Friday, September 5, 2008

It's Not Just Me

One of the many crazy thing that I do to myself is that, shortly after having a baby, I am compelled to try on my wedding dress. I have no delusions this time and have not done it yet. I am also not saying that I won't ever fit in to it again, but it just takes about a year. I'm crazy for ever trying it on before a year has passed.
Today I went to Toys R Us to get a backpack for Jackson (that was the 4th store we looked at)
and a blessing dress for Emery. Yeah, I know a blessing dress at Toys R Us! But they have them and they are beautiful. After we got Emery's dress, Ainsley kept asking me:

Ains: Why don't I get a new dress mommy?
Me: Well, Ainsley, you already have a blessing dress.
Ains: I do? Where is it?
Me: It's put away in a special box.
Ains: I want it.
Me: OK. You can see it, but it's too small for you now so you can't wear it.
Ains: OK.

She was so happy that she had a special dress like Emery's and wanted to try it on so bad that I helped here get it over her chubby little arms and it still fit. Kind Of.
That's right. She's just like her mommy with the sick facination of "Am I still that cute and little?" No matter how big she gets she will alway be that cute.



sooooo disturbing

jlcumber said...

very, but funny, but very disturbing...made me laugh though


See! I TOLD you it was disturbing!