Monday, June 30, 2008

You're The Best!!!!!!

I was very apprehensive when I accepted my calling at church. I was afraid that Jeff would not like all the time and energy that this position would take. But much to my surprise, the level of support that he has given me is more than I could ever have hoped for. He has not only come to church and watched me give my lessons, but has also participated in them. He also comes home early twice a month so that I can go to my presidency meetings. This is huge considering that before this calling he had only gone to church with us once. My latest happy surprise was this Saturday when we had an activity day at the park. I had given Jeff the option to go to the office and get some work done, but he chose to come to the park instead. When the kids arrived at the park, it seemed that we needed more help than we had and Jeff jumped right in and ran one of the stations with the primary president's husband. It all went so much smoother with the extra help and I just love how willing Jeff has been to step up when I have needed him. So this one's for you honey.

Friday, June 27, 2008

I can stop crossing my legs now

The one day that I was most definitely not going to have this baby was yesterday. Yesterday is what we like to call Birthday-Palooza. One or two birthdays in one day are fine, but we have four on that day and that's too many already. Let me break it down for you.
Jeff's Dad turned 62 yesterday.
Ed, a good friend, turned 42 yesterday.
My brother-in-law, Dewayne, turned 41 yesterday.
And Jeff's brother, Brad,turned 33 yesterday.
So as you can see having a baby yesterday was not top on my list. Now that it's over, she is more than welcome to join us.

She Cracks Me Up

I don't know where she gets these things. Ainsley was on the back porch with a "Magne-Doodle" and kept saying to Jackson and me, "State you name please." What is that all about? So, I said mommy's name is Leanna. "Ok. Thank you." Then, she scribbled something on the "Magne-Doodle". "State your name please" to Jackson and, before he can answer, she says, "I know your Jackson McCrae" and then she scribbles some more. I love my sweet little nutjob.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I did say bangs

After the stylist had my hair perfect, (which is something that never happens for me) I said you forgot the bangs. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
What part of bangs means blend?
I did not say blend the bangs into the layers that are already perfect, making the layers too short now and not nearly as cute as before. I know it will grow out and, because of my mistake, it's going to be a lot more work now. It was perfect and now it's just not.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Hippo Feet

I was going to call this post hippos can't fit in those chairs, but it seemed too long. Let me explain. Jenn and I got up early Saturday and went to get a much needed hair cut for me and a not so much needed trim for her. I think she got the trim for moral support and she left with bangs. As did I. This is going to be something new for both of us, since we haven't had bangs in at least 13 years. There was a pretty funny moment though, I was getting my hair high lighted and Jenn asked for high lights too, but her stylist said they were out of whatever they do that with. Then she looked over at me and said to the girl doing my hair "what are you using on her hair?". Jenn and I looked at each other like we half expected my hair to fall out on the spot. But it hasn't, so I think I am ok.Anyway, after that we went and got pedicures. This is where the Hippo thing comes in. I got a french tip and I almost always love the way that looks, but I was looking at my feet and it instantly looked like someone gave a hippo a french tip pedicure. I loved getting the time for myself and having some much needed girl time with Jenn, but my feet just look so fat right now.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Uhm... Mom Thats Not My Head

So last night I was showing Amy what I thought was the baby's head, considering that when they checked last Monday she was still breech. But at my doctors appointment today we found out she has turned and is head down. Yeah!!! I'm so happy and relieved that she has turned and I am no longer looking down the barrel of a C-section. The real question now is if she didn't turn while I was sleeping last night what exactly was the body part that I was showing Amy last night?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day Dad

To Jeff From Jackson.
1. I love that you play games with me.
2. I love that you read me stories.
3. I love when you take me to work.
4. I love when we go on our walks.
5. I love it when you come to church.
6. I love when you take us camping.
7. I love it when we get to go fishing.
8. I love going on bike rides with you.
9. I love looking for new games for us to play.
10. I love when we get to go on rides in your boat.
Thank you for being such a great dad.
Love Jackson

Happy Daddys Day

For Jeff from Ainsley
I wove you playing pawinsis.
I wove you weding books if me.
I wove for you playing games if me.
I wove going to the pak if you.
I wove playing pad cake.

I wove you Daddy wove Ainsley.

My Dad

Thank you for teaching me about all the things I love most.
Birds. I love watching them and appreciate that your the one that you taught me all their names and even most of their songs. This is something that I love to do with Jackson and Ainsley and I know that Jackson loves it too.
It's all wild life really. What their tracks look like, That turned rocks and torn up logs are signs of a bear. What time of day is best for deer spotting and what a good fishing hole looks like.
My love for gardening even if my yard does not reflect that right now.
You were always home for diner and we all way sat at the table as a family. That's some thing we are still working on.
I love that even if you knew the boy I was dating was a big loser you let me make that mistake I mean those mistakes. And when it all went to crap you were there with a hug and a moving van.
You were calm and concerned the night I hit a deer with your truck. I don't think I would have been able to get back behind the wheel if you had have gotten angry.
Life is a never ending learning process. You are the only person I know at is in a constant pursuit off knowledge.
Your love for our family's history has been a great blessing for all of us. I appreciate and have enjoyed all the work you put in to finding our ancestors
I appreciate that you didn't stop with three kids even if I was a surprise. I also appreciate that we got a little brother out of the two of you also.
Thanks for all the other great dad stuff I'm forgetting, I love ya Dad.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Piggy Bank

Jackson has had a bank for at least 3 years now. It looks like a cow and we all think it's a lot of fun, especially Ainsley.

So we have been looking for a bank that she would love as much as she loves her brother's bank. The other stipulation was the cost. I was not going to spend a lot on a 2 year-old's bank that she may or may not break in the first 24 hours.
So here is Ainsley's Princess Piggy Bank.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


We went ahead and scheduled the induction for the 2nd of July, that is if she doesn't come on her own first, and I'm freaking out just a little bit.
The 2nd. That's just three weeks away. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. What three weeks? I'm not ready, Jeff's not ready and I know my kids aren't ready. Oh sure. They say that they are, but what about me and what if she doesn't turn. I don't what a C-secion. I don't do good with pain and am even worse with pain killers. The last time I had surgery, the pain killers put me back in the ER two days later. So what do I do with three kids if that happens again? A newborn needs its mother and I don't think Ainsley and Jackson would like it that much either.
Not to mention the condition of the house right now and that I need to make dinners for while I'm gone and just back from the hospital.
I'm OK. I am. I just needed to get that out there so that it's not in my head anymore. It will all be fine. I already started cleainig, so I'll get there.

Friday, June 6, 2008

The Baby Belly

Thanks again to Jennifer Lynn Photography

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sharing Time

My first sharing time was this past Sunday. We made sugar cube Temples. I think that it was a success.


Saturday afternoon, my sisters and I made a pilgrimage to our Elementary School, currently slated for demolition this summer, for one last visit. It was a wonderful walk down memory lane.
My kindergarten teacher Ms. Vasey


Saturday morning, we went to Hockinson to watch my 3 nieces in a parade.