Monday, September 8, 2008

Emery's Big Day

So Emery got her blessing and doesn't she look adorable.
It was at my ward this time and Chris Berg even got to participate. It was a small role but just having him be able to be a part of it meant so much to both Jeff and I.
It was also wonderful to have almost the whole family in attendance, as well as Jeff's Mom and Dad.
We had Bishop Gates bless her and he did it beautifully and now I have one more reason to think the world of him. He has such a tender soul and he is just so in tune to the spirit. I really can't thank him enough.


Amy said...

It WAS super cool to be sitting in YOUR ward this time! I kept thinking how great that felt:) Great picture, too.

Roger said...

Thank you for such a wonderful day.
Mom, Dad & GG too.