My dear Ainsley I have enjoyed every minute of the time that we have had since Jackson started school. It has been such a wonderful gift to to have this time together.

You are so funny and fun you make me laugh so hard sometimes that my sides hurt.

I know that everyone thinks that they have the most beautiful baby, but they can't cause I did and you just get more beautiful everyday.

Your strong will and determination has been hard for us at times, but it will be a wonderful attribute for you to have as an adult; that is if we don't ring your neck for it first.

My sweet blue eyed girl, you are a light in my life that I look forward to seeing everyday. If I ever question my purpose on this earth all I have to do is take you in my arms, hold you close and smell your hair to know I am here for you and you are here for me. Being your mommy means more to me than anything and you and your brother and sister are the greatest blessing I have ever had.
I can't wait to see what the next year will bring for you and all the new adventures we will have.