Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Top Ten Tuesday - Hometown Edition
10. The Old Scotch Church. Its one of those places that my friends and I would go at night to try and scare the $#!tt out of each other. It is also a beautiful old church and has some neat old tomb stones too.
9. Any playground . We loved to hanging out in them at night as well. I don't know how it happened but every time we all would go back to being 6 year olds again. I loved that and think I'll have to do that again some time.
8. The paper route. This is the two blocks behind my parents house where Jenny and I delivered the Hillsboro Argus. It is still where we take our walks after family functions.
7. The Aquatic Center. Of course there is swimming lesson memories from my whole life but the best ones are from Friday night swim. No need to go in to any detail about that but Jenny knows what I'm talking about.
6. The caboose . This one is all mine. I had this friend whose uncle had some land with an old train caboose on it. We would go out there and ride dirt bikes and make dinner over a camp fire.
5. The train tressle. That's just what it was - an old train tressle. It was about half a mile long and really tall. I think I only had the nerve to walk it once.
4. Four Seasons Bowling. I know what you're thinking, but I used to work there too and it was a fun time for me.
3. The Candy Basket. Every penny I had would go to that store and we would take hours to decide what we wanted.
2. Hare Field. It was part of every thing. You could go through it to get to Aunt Gwen's house and 7 eleven. All the ball games and band practices you could hear from the backyard. The lights that lit up my bedroom window at night and all the times that Richard and I should have gotten breaking and entering charges and never did.
1. My Mom and Dad's House. Every memory I have started here.
I was talking to mom.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Top Ten Tuesday - Baby Names Edition
Top Ten Tuesday topic - baby names edition. My top ten baby names I didn't get to use because of spousal/family conflict.
#1 Devin (for a girl not a boy) Not useable because it’s the name of both Nicole's boyfriend and Chris' nephew and if that wasn’t confusing enough Chris' other nephews name is Jackson.
#2 Hildy Jeff hates it and thinks that Grandma would hate it too.
#3 EmmaLee Love Love Love it but evidently we need to live in Alabama or some thing to us two capitals in a first name.
#4 Justice I get the standard answer from Jeff with this one. "That a stripper name. Do you want our daughter to be a stripper?"
#5 Isabella already being used. The Isabella I know is BRAT and she ruined it for me.
#6 Lillian already being used. Jeff doesn't like it anyway.
#7 Avery Already Being used. It makes me happy that we got an Avery form Amy's family.
#8 Cadence or Kadence Jeff new this girl in law school that wasn't nice to him or something.
#9 Richard Bradley This needs no explanation as to why. You already know.
#10 Jefferson I love it and I have no idea why Jeff doesn’t. You would think with that ego that he would love it too
Sunday, April 20, 2008
It Happened
Weird Weather
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Top Ten Tuesday - Favorite Things

I love my vegetable garden and my flowers. I'm not very good at it yet but its one of my favorite things to do and I hope that some day I will have some corn that gets over two feet tall.

It may look and sound gross but I'm not kidding when I say its a instant picnic and not nearly messy as a normal PB&J sandwich.
More for the fact that it saves my children from having their dad yell at them the way our dad did.

My whole life I thought it wasn't really camping if you weren't in a tent or out under the stars. But now that I have my own room with a door that I can separate myself from the kids and a heater I will never go back. Never never never..
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Friday Flashback - Prom Night Edition
1995 Aloha High School in Aloha. Let's start with the tragedy of my date's cowboy faze and the reason he didn't accompany me to my own prom not to mention the fact that I look like a stripper but someone asked my date if I was one.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
A bad reaction!
As my sisters know, having Jackson vaccinated the first time was one of the most traumatic moments of motherhood for me. I thought for sure that I was poisoning my baby and I cired the whole way home from the doctor's office. After five years of vaccinations and two years for his sister, I was getting ok with it.
But yesterday we needed to get all the ones he would need for school and, well, he had a reaction. The doctor said it's not bad, but with the way I am about my kids and their health, it has felt a lot worse.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Top Ten Tuesday - Movie Edition
1. What Dreams May Come
2. Big Fish
3. The Breakfast Club
4. Frequency
5. High Fidelity
6. Varsity Blues
7. Back To The Future
8. The Wedding Singer
9. The Notebook
10. Midnight In The Garden Of Good and Evil
Monday, April 7, 2008
Jackson And Ashlynn's Birthday Party
The Weekend
Ainsleys first time on the bumper cars.