Thursday, April 29, 2010

OK.......Here it is

This is the box that some of the butterflies are flying out of on wires.

This is what I did in lieu of a frame.
It is just the same paper from the box pasted around the sides.

A full side view to show how much the butterflies come off the canvas
and how some are even on springs.

And the front view. OK, so it's not dead on.
The sealant is so shiny that the pics that I took of it straight on are just a glare.

See what I mean.
I love it and had such a good time helping the kids in making it.
So what do you think?


Amy said...

That rocks!

Maddy said...

this looks great!!!


HOORAY for letting go of your inner control freak and letting the kids put their marks on it. LOVE IT!

jlcumber said...

Nice work!!!! I love it! I think they and you did an awesome job!!

Sam said...

So pretty!!! :)

Tamara said...

You are INSANELY talented, woman!! When I first read about the project, my gut instinct screamed at you, "RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY FAST!" cuz that's just the untalented kind of scaredy cat I am. But I am super impressed... like seriously WOW, DANG, GORGEOUS and AMAZING... I'm basically afraid to hang out with you now. ;)