Monday, April 5, 2010


This year due to the fact that my dad is in the middle of his chemo and has no immune system we had our Easter at my sister Amy's house. It was not the same but the kids had fun, the weather was great and with the exception of my Mom, Dad and Grammy we were together.

The kidos anxiously waiting to color eggs.

There was not enough room for his whole name.

Good work buddy!

Ains-Look Mama its Oinj.
Me-Yes it is

Look at how excited she is to be coloring the eggs. My gosh she is getting so big.
I'm more than a little surprised that Em didn't drink the dye.

The Dads huddling up to hide the eggs.

Ready? Brrrake!

Can you see the one Jeff put in the water.

And here comes the thundering herd.

My baby's first egg

Boy, Ains was just on the go.

Ok so Jeff was right when he told me that they would step on the ones in the grass.

G Rant finding the hard ones

All our little Angels

My Happy Family

I love pics of food. I don't know why; I just do.

And after all of that we celebrated our spring birthdays.
Amy made this fantastic R2D2 cake for the boys.

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