Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spider bites, Blood tests and biopsy.

So I got this spider bite on the back of my head and it was pretty gross. I wouldn't have bothered myself about it but I have also had these swollen glands in my back for like 4 months now so when the glands in my neck were swelling because of the bite and Jeff and My OBGYN were yelling at me to go to my primary care giver, so I did. I was poked and prodded a little and she found more swollen glands all over my body. So she had some blood drawn and I will be going to see a surgeon asap to have the lumps in my back biopsied.


jlcumber said...

Let us know what comes out of it.

Sam said...


Yikes. Super yikes. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you, ok. I'm sending some prayers up for you, it should be all ok..goin straight to the power source. :)