Monday, December 22, 2008

The Week Before Christmas

It was the week before Christmas when it started to fall.
Down towards the northwest and covering it all.

Covering the houses and
covering the street
and when the snow was done, down came the sleet

With a thick sheet of ice, the rain covered the snow
and leaving the houses was barely so so

Putting the buses on snow routes and the airport is closed
from the looks of things here, Christmas was hosed

And down from the sky the snow came again
covering all and trapping us in.

Now here we're all trapped into our houses
trying real hard to not yell at our spouses

Not dreaming at night of sugarplum treats
but warm trend and rain and the clearing of streets

I wasn't done shopping, I have present to buy
but if I try to go out I'll certainly die

Slide on the ice and into a tree
what should I do? woe is me, woe as me

An old fashion Christmas, that's what I'll do!
I'll go round the house and happily get to

Some paper bag puppets and marshmallow dolls
Will make this work who needs the malls?

No picture with Santa for my kids this year
But some wonderful memories we'll have right here.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Yes, you are very clever.