Sunday, August 10, 2008

What A Crazy Weekend

I'm not a Senior in High School or a Senior Citizen
Just somewhere in the middle.
Jenny has some kids here in Salem that she is doing senior pictures for next weekend so she came down to look for locations on Friday and used me as a stand in, test subject, model whatever.
I myself did not have what you would call good
senior pictures so I was more than happy to lay my baby on the ground and yell at my big kids, threw my smile to stop running in to the street and get my I'm not a senior pictures
Jeff says these look like the senior pictures of some girl that got knocked up in her senior year. I don't know whether to be flattered or offended.
Jennifer Lynn Photography

The Kids Had Some Fun Too.
Jenny's baby Ashlynn

My big boy Jackson

My little princes Ainsley

and my sweet angel Emery

See it wasn't all Mommy and Aunt Jenny yelling at the kids. They did some funny stuff too.

The Saturday morning Dance Party

It's funny the thing you'll do to not have to get out of bed on a Saturday morning.

We cleaned the garage

For the first time since we moved in to our house a year and a half ago we have too cars in our fore car garage .
It took all day Saturday and only two trips to the dump. ( One was recycling.) But we are now on our way to looking a lot less like the slobs that all our neighbors have grown to love.

Returned to the wild
After five months of waiting the taddypoles have gone back to the wild.

We took them right back to the spot that we had caught them at in February.

I cried
Sunday for the first time I left Ainsley in the Nursery at church. I have always known that this day was way over do but I'm such a wimp that I haven't been able to just let her cry. So I left her with Tiena and Ainsley cried, screamed, kicked and hit that wonderful women for almost the whole two hour's.
I can't even express how much I appreciate her for that and how hard it was


Roger said...

Let me just say Donal Bottoma is a wonderful adult.
And Aunt Becky survived to.

Maddy said...

Wow, that was a loaded blog!

1. I love the pictures, they are perfect- and your hair looks great!!! YOU look great!!

2. The video was so cute!!!

3. Congrats on the garage haul! Quite an accomplishment!

4. I'm impressed with you leaving Ainsley! I probably would have cried the whole time, too!! Yay for Tiena!!! (even though I don't know who Tiena is! she's a trooper!!!)