Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ambers Last Car Ride

For those of you that may not understand why I would post such a thing this is my outlet and I'm not going to be sleeping tonight anyway!

Today was the day we were going to be going on our summer vacation and we were getting ready the same way we always do.......I should have known that something was wrong when I wasn't fighting with Jeff every time something made us a little later but anyway. We got up and every thing was fine, Amber was her normal self drinking gallons of water and all that. Then just as we had the kids in the car a Jeff went to put the girls in so we could go that's when I heard him yell. "Amber.....Amber........ Amber get over here......... Amber where are you................
She was hardly breathing and her tongue was hanging out. We rushed her to the emergency clinic and they did a good job at getting her stable, but while she was there they found a lot of other problems with her internally. So we took her to the big clinic in Portland.
The whole way to Portland I was in the slow lane driving no faster than 55. I just knew that that was going to be our last car ride together and I was so happy that she was on the seat right next to me. When we got there they did an ultrasound and more tests and still nothing good. I now had to make that hard decision that every pet owner dreads.
At the Dove Lewis animal hospital they have a wonderful room with a nice couch and a soft rug where we were able to say good bye to our sweet sweet Amber.
Jeff isn't ever what you would call a cryer but losing Amber was hard on him to. She was such a big part of out live together both past and present. She was our first pet together and one of Jackson and Ainsley's best friends.
My wonderful sister Jenny helped me by reminding me that she was fine this morning and we would never have to see her old and suffering like the dogs we had growing up.


jlcumber said...

This was hard! So very sad! She was goofy, but we all loved her too. I am so sorry!!


that sucks. I think you should cancel your vacation and stay home to mourn. Well, mourn in Vancouver with us. We'll be having blackberry cobbler.

The Johnson Family said...

I'm so sorry! It is heart-wrenching to lose a pet and it makes it even more difficult when you have to make the decision to put them to sleep yourself. We've had to put down two cats-kittens, really-who were sick when we got them. As much as your heart breaks every time you think about Amber being gone, you wouldn't change your time with her for anything.

Amy said...

Ahhh, even i am sad. That's saying somehting. Sorry for you and jeff and the kids. I told Chris that Amber died and he said Who? Amber woo woo woo? That's too bad.

So, even the dog haters are tearing up for you. That's horribly sad :(

Maddy said...

I'm so sorry Leanna, I have no words to express my sadness for you. You guys will be in our thoughts - we love you!