Part two of Christmas was the 24th with Jeff's mom and Loren. We had dessert and exchanged gifts. It is always a good time when Grandma and La La come over. The kids just love them especially when they bring gifts.

Yui: "What? I was just looking. I wasn't going to do anything."

Part three: It was just our little family Christmas morning.

First the kids got their stockings

Emers just loved her little pink dog

Oh Honey how I love you for being such a good sport

I think he likes his new gun.

Ainsley and her big girl bike.

Em and her baby having tea

Jeff and I opening the gift Jackson made for us at school
I just love the stuff he makes and how excited he gets to give it to us.

Part four: Jeff's Dad, Grandma, Brother Brad, His Girlfriend Kelly, Kandle and AJ all came over for dinner and more gifts.
The kids Kandle, Ainsley, Emery, Jackson and AJ

Best gift ever!! Jack's neighbor made this rocking horse and she LOVES it. But that's just the beginning. The wood that he used to make it was from Jeff's and my old bed's footboard. So instead of being burned or thrown into a landfill our old bed gets a second chance at life and what a great new life to have.

Brad channeling his inner child .

Cindy got this bed for Brad's dog Jenna and Emery spent the whole evening laying in it. There is no end to this kid's love for dogs and longing to be one.