We got up at 5:30am and headed up to Seaside to dig razor clams. Not anything that I have ever done before but I'll try anything once.
Ems was feeding the seagulls

The big kids tried so hard and only got 3

Our mighty hunters didn't do a whole lot better than the kids.

Ains and Emer got board with it so we went up and played in the dry sand where it was warm.

After returning to the farm we went down to the field to launch Jeff's rocket.
This is me loading the shute.

And Jeff and Jacks loading the engine.

Getting ready for takeoff.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and we have lift off
I think chasing it down was their favorite part.

There were some new kittens down at the barn and the kids just could not stay away.

Grandma E loves kittens too and was having just as much fun as the kids with them.

You remember my favorite little farm cat. She's still hanging around.

The kids named the cat prince so that's what we have be calling it for the last year. But if you ask me she's a princess

And seeing that she is going to have kittens any day now.......I'm thinking princess is a better name for her.