Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Last Weekend of Spring Break

I love spring out at the ranch, every where you look there is something in bloom.
The couple that owned the ranch last made sure of that.
Its not hard to fall in love with it all over again when this is what you see every where you look.
Papa Jack likes to surprise the kids with fun things that he thinks he is going to miss.
Like Easter!
So he got up early Saturday morning and planted Easter eggs all over the yard for the kids.

My sweet Em was really getting the hang of it this year.

Oh he was just a wild man and far too big to fall for the Easter bunny line Papa was feeding him.
J-Mom I know it was Papa that hid the eggs.
M-Why is that?
J-I saw the extra candy in the house and the Easter bunny doesn't hide the eggs....we do
M-Ok Jackson but don't ruin it for the little kids.
He is getting way to smart for me.
Boy she was so serious about finding just as many as her brother.

I love pictures with their Papa it always makes them look so small.

Js new old buddy. Two of the horses died last winter so this one that was all mean is now very nice and loves all the attention he is getting from the kids when we are there.

Saturday afternoon on the beach.

The wind was so strong that the kite was dragging Jeff.

Isn't this just crazy. I love the way the dry sand looks blowing around
Now back to reality

1 comment:

Bizzle said...

Looks like you guys had a great time!