Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Day 5 Legoland

This trek was all for Mr. Jackson. Legoland is an hour drive south and aside from the water park and the things that are built out of legos, it wasnt that exciting for Jeff or I. But like I said, it was all for the little man and he was in little boy heaven.

Evidently, there is an Aquarium. It looked neat, but we didn't do that.

Jackson showing off his new Jedi powers.

The Sidney Opera House. It's on the list. Jeff tells me that it's bigger in real life.

The Taj Mahal. It's on my bucket list.

Eiffel Tower. It's on there too.

and Mount Rushmore.

I've been to New York and would go once a year if we had that kind of money.
Look at the new Freedom Tower. I wonder if it's that close to being done.

Are you looking for the giraffes because I found one.

The White House. Seen it.

The Capitol. Seen it.
Its all done up for the Inauguration.

President Obama's swearing-in ceremony.

Look at that. It's all legos. Isn't that cool?

This guy is like two stories tall.

Jackson's camel has one hump.
Jackson's camel has one hump.
Jackson's camel has one hump.
So go Jackson go.

This is the super cool splash pad water park part of Legoland.
This is quite possibly the coolest water play area for kids in the world.

Good daddy sacrificed himself for his little princess.
Look how wet he got.

The one water slide.

I got wet too. She's worth it.

This is my favorite picture. Look at how happy she is.


jlcumber said...

Looks like fun! And yes...she does look so happy! *(they all do!)

Roger said...

Wow! Lots to catch up on. Great pictures.