Monday, August 3, 2009

Day 3 - Knott's Berry Farm

Today was our day at Knott's Berry Farm. We had intended to go to Universal Studios, but traffic was so bad that we changed our minds. I'm glad we did too. Knott's was great and we had lots and lots of fun. This is Jeff and the big kids when we were watching the Wild West stuntmen doing their show.
See the look.
This was just after Jeff and I yelled at each other for no good reason.
Don't you just love what vacation does for your relationship with your spouse.

Jeff and Jackson on some water ride.

This guy that was working on the railroad train looked so much like my Uncle Rob that I just had to get a picture of him.

While Jeff, Jackson, and Cindy were on the log ride, I had the girls' faces painted.

Aren't they just so cute.

The last big splash at the end. I think Cindy got most of it.

The sombrero ride. Knott's Berry's answer to the Tea cups.

Ainsley wanted to go across the suspension bridge, so Jeff carried her. What a good daddy.

The Bottle house.
Talk about a recycling project. This is one of the coolest things I have ever seen.

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