Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Kids Playing with Emily's "Kids"

Emily's goats had some more babies. It's not new that they had babies as they do this every year, but how many she has now is new. 8 babies this year I think. They move so quick and they're hard to count. It's just so much fun for my kids to play with these kids and they are so cute.

They like to hide behind the wall. I would too if I was as small as them with all the coyotes and big cows around this place.

This one is my fave. He looks just like Mocha ( Emily prize winner). Too bad he's a boy and she can't show him. Can you say meat goat.

This is Mocha with Ainsley. She doesn't look like much right now, but when she's all washed and sheared she's got them all beat.


Jan said...

What a great post. You told me... but the pictures and video made it so much better.

Kelly Munns said...

oh my gosh, how fun! goats...hmm. very cute.

Tamara said...

Goats!!!!! We love goats! Can we trade goat time for horsie time????